Post 9: "Zen and the art of automobile maintenance".
I passed my driving test first time. This is a Big Deal because it’s literally the only test I have ever achieved a better result in than...
Post 8: "Q&A"
How many ways can you get to Oleta Adams? Quizzes are brilliant. I love a quiz. Some people might describe me as a teeny bit competitive...
Post 7: “We will send you regular pupdates”
Adverts. This post was brought to you by an advert for a charity set up to support dogs in some way that i haven't paid attention to. I...
Post 6 - "Sabbatical salutations"
I work a lot, and always have done. I've often had multiple jobs or roles which involve a large amount of prep. Now working in theatre...
Post 5 - "And that, my friend, is what they call closure."
Mark Creeger can confirm that I like a proper ending*. When it comes to books, films, plays or even someone’s story about what happened...
Post 4 - “Reading between the lines”
I had to fill in a form a few years ago, and one of the questions was “Which newspaper do you read regularly?” At the time, the nearest...
Post 3: “Do you know Pugh, Pugh, Barney McGrew, Cuthbert, Dibble and Grub?”
Here's the 3rd installment of Aryeh Myers and my month long writing challenge. A bit of fun following yesterday's more personal piece....
Post 2: “Don’t you forget about me.”
Here's the 2nd piece in my challenge. Feel free to scroll on or just blame Aryeh Myers under your breath if you choose to read it. His...
Post 1: “Yes, and...”
Aryeh Myers (my collaborator on An Insomniac's Guide To Ambulances, brilliant writer and old friend) has got me doing one of those...